Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hypnotist gone wild in Nashville TN

We are in Nashville TN and enjoying some down time before we head out to our last fair in Ladson SC. We have done all the tourist things such as going on a tour of the Grand Old Opry enjoying the night life, checking out the local entertainment.

We also got to meet several stars already from Rick Springfield, Crystal Gale, Darias Rucker, Kenny Loggins, Marty Roe and Jim Messna my favorite was Rick Springfield, yes that's me and Julie with Rick in the picture. I will be posting all the pictures on my website www.terranceb.ca soon.

We will be here for a few more days as we are getting some upgrades done to the the tour bus. I am so excited as it is like a big toy for me :) Anyway before I get back to been a tourist let me say this to everyone in blog world.

If you have never been to Nashville then you must put it on your bucket list whether you like country or not. It's a fun place to be!