Friday, June 6, 2008

Grad Season - Portland

We are now in Portland, Oregon after leaving BC Canada June 2008

It's grad season and we have already done 5 grad shows to date with 4 more to do here in Portland. Grads are so tiring as we do not go on stage until 3am, but they are always a lot of fun.

We do however get some R & R as you can see from the picture on the left. Yes! It's me with hypnotist Tyzen rocking out playing guitar hero. We had a BBQ at Stephine's house Tyzen's manager along with hypnotist Tim Triplett..... the calm before the storm.

Here is Terrance B hypnotizing the weak-minded hypnotist Tim Triplett :)

It was so easy one glass of wine and Tim will do anything :) Tim is such a funny guy on and off stage... if you get the chance to see him perform you will enjoy every minute of his show.

We will be in Portland for 4 more days doing grads before leaving for BC to perform at more 3am grads.